Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring Into Summer Challenge - Week 2

Summer is around the corner - are you ready?
Our 4 week challenge will make sure that you are. With just a few short weeks until Memorial Day we realize that the time for sundresses, Daisy Dukes, and that bathing suit is fast approaching. The Spring into Summer Challenge urges you to take on more than you think you are capable of in an effort to get you outside your comfort zone and seeing results.

The challenge urges you to set four goals each week: eating right, moving more, changing behavior and finding support. These are the cornerstones of any successful health and fitness lifestyle.


Eating Smarter: This week is all about snacks. One of our greatest dangers for any person trying to eat smarter is the threat of unaddressed hunger. Do you often skip meals in an attempt to shed a few pounds only to find yourself the victim of an unrelenting hunger that catches you off guide and making bad food choices? The best way to help in the lifelong fight of healthy eating habits is to snack. Yes, you heard me right....have a is a proven fact that the thermal effect of food ignites the metabolism engines of the body and aides in burning calories. So no matter how strange it may sound to you, if you are on a quest to lose weight you need to eat at regular intervals throughout the day and that includes snacks! Now not just any snack will do, you need to be prepared. So this weeks challenge is for you to brainstorm and make sure you carry two or three great snacks with you each day. Regardless of how you spend your day, at home, at work or at play, you will need to be prepared. Take a moment to list 10 healthy, low calorie snacks. They should be snacks that are portable in the sense that they can withstand several hours without refrigeration if needed. Struggling to think of great snack ideas and how to implement them into your day?
Our examples: Boxed raisins, low fat granola fruit and nut bars, small bunch of grapes or fruit choices, whole wheat crackers and thinly sliced cheese, baby carrots, celery sticks, pre-packaged apple slices.
Check out: My Pyramid for more ideas about healthy snacking and your calorie intake needs.

We KNOW that you have already planned your smaller servings of a well rounded breakfast, lunch and dinner now you can shave those meals back ever so slightly to add 2-3 nutritious snacks into the course of your day. This practice keeps the metabolism running , the blood sugar level, and the hunger monster at bay.

Move More: This week we ask that you continue to follow last week's additional class prescription while adding resistance training into the mix. Sound difficult? Already feeling good about getting yourself started in the exercise department? Or perhaps your already feeling overloaded. Don't forget, this 4 week challenge isn't about comfort - it's about pushing your limits, getting results and then you can coast. This week add one of our resistance-type exercise classes into your workout week. If you are already attending a class, your challenge is to use a heavier resistance during that class. If you are currently using 3 pound weights, increase to using 5 pounds, 5 pounds to 8 pounds, 8 pounds to 10 pounds. If you can't make a resistance class commit to adding a daily "at home" 10 minute session into your schedule. That could be something as simple as doing push-ups or crunches. You will be amazed at how quickly 2 push-ups turn into 20 or 10 sit-ups turn into 100.
Tip: Take a minute to view some of the videos in the ACE exercise library to get new ideas to try at home or before a class.
Behavior Changes: This week is all about "digging in". Here we request that you dig into your old habits and pull them apart. Take some time to examine your behavior around and toward food. Make an effort to recognize one habit that consistently stands in the way of your success then brainstorm on ways to change it over time.
For example: Do you try to eat small portions only to end up going back for seconds? Or do you eat nothing all day in the effort to save your calories for a nice dinner which turns into a late-night food binge? Like we mentioned earlier you need to eat...grazing is more like it, to keep the metabolism racing. Therefore, if you find yourself hungry now that you have shaved some food off of the breakfast, lunch and dinner plate that is perfect. Add those healthy whole snacks we talked about. However, if you are currently still satisfied with the smaller portions you are going to need to cut that lunchtime sandwich in half and shave a little more off of the dinner plate to incorporate your daily snacks. Remember to never limit your total caloric intake to under 1200 calories (for women) and 1800 (for men) or you are putting your body into starvation mode. As for the late-night eating a great trick to slamming on the munchies breaks is to perform some oral hygiene. Yes, that's right, brush your teeth, floss, use a great mouth rinse and polish those pearly whites. Cleaning out the palate shuts down the mental receptors that are calling for more food. Then if your body hasn't gotten the message yet, go ahead and have a drink...of water that is! Quite often our hunger instincts are no more than a faulty thirst receptor. Who'd of know that this wonderful body had a default?
Find Support: This week we urge you to look for help in all the right places. To succeed, support is critical. Maybe you have a question about your goals, food choices, or exercise plan? Or perhaps you just need direction or someone to communicate with. Examine where you need help and then ask for it. This might sound easy, but it may be the hardest thing we have asked you to do this week.
Tip: Be informed! Get great information at our "Tools 2 Live By" link.
Chat: Stay connected with others. Talk to us about your trials and tribulations or speak with others to help you get ideas on how to stay aware, motivated and on track by becoming a fan on one of our Facebook sites: 241 Fitness or Ally-Wendy
The four challenges set for you this week are important tools to a lifelong commitment of health and fitness. It is up to you to take the time to work these new goals into your life. Last week we recommended that you decide on a treat that you have been wishing for as a reward for completing the challenge. As we move closer, take a moment to imagine yourself at your fitness or weight-loss goal. Constant focus on the destination ahead will help you to get there. Keep pushing ahead and we will see you next week, one step closer.

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